张炜 Zhang Wei
出生 Born
温岭,1983 Wenling, 1983
教育 Education
Zhang Wei enrolled in the Department of Integrated Art at the China Academy of Art in September 2001 and entered the Integrated Painting Studio of the Department of Integrated Art in September 2003.
2004年4月完成德国艺术家克里斯蒂安(Abraham david christian)教授的绘画课程,2003年完成德国柏林艺术大学巴度尔教授的夏季学院绘画课程,现工作生活于上海。参展经历:综汇,目艺术中心,杭州,2024;微观叙述,赛麟空间,上海,2024;记忆,BLANKgallery,上海,2024;如影随形,圣佳艺术空间,上海,2023;个展:离魂,BLANKgallery,上海,2023;春潮,BLANKgallery,上海,2022;半开的门,工作室画廊,上海,2022;约翰摩尔绘画奖10周年巡回展 ,重庆、烟台、南京,2021;“迎春画展”,站台中国,北京,2021;约翰莫尔绘画奖作品展,上海民生美术馆,上海,2020;新星势力 ——全国新青年藝術家作品展,关山漾美术馆,武汉,2019;“青年之光” ,泰达文化艺术中心,天津,2019;“空缺”当代艺术展,钠加传媒,北京,2018;“没展”喜玛拉雅美术馆,上海,2018;直觉意识:绘画的原力,时代美术馆,北京,2018;青矜计划,正观美术馆,北京,2017。 In April 2004, he completed a painting course taught by the German artist Abraham david christian, and in 2003, he completed a summer academy painting course taught by the University of the Arts in Berlin, Germany. Exhibition Experiences: Integration, MUUM Art Center, Hangzhou, 2024; The Micro-narration, Sailing Space, Shanghai, 2024; Memories, BLANKgallery, Shanghai, 2024; Follow Like a Shadow, Sungari Art Space, Shanghai, 2023; Departed Soul, BLANKgallery, Shanghai, 2023; Spring Blooming, BLANKgallery, Shanghai, 2022; Half-Open Door, Studio Gallery, Shanghai, 2022; 10th Anniversary Tour Exhibition of John Moores Painting Prize, Chongqing, Yantai, Nanjing, 2021; Spring Fever, Platform China, Beijing, 2021; Exhibition of John Moores Painting Prize Works, Shanghai Minsheng Art Museum, Shanghai, 2020; New Star Power-National Exhibition of New Young Artists' Works, Guanshan Young Art Gallery, Wuhan, 2019; Light of the Youth, TEDA Culture and Art Center, Tianjin, 2019; Vacancy Contemporary Art Exhibition, Na Jia Media, Beijing, 2018; No Exhibition, Himalayas Museum, Shanghai, 2018; Intuitive Consciousness: The Fundamental Force of Painting, Times Art Museum, Beijing, 2018; Elite Young Artists Program, Rightview Art Museum, Beijing, 2017.
蛇与灯Ⅰ, 2022
60 x 80 cm
Zhang Wei
Snake with lightⅠ, 2022
Acrylic on canvas
60 x 80 cm
天蝎Ⅰ, 2022
60 x 80
Zhang Wei
ScorpionⅠ, 2022
Acrylic on canvas
60 x 80