弱假说 Relativity Hypothesis
展览照片 Exhibition view
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刘卫、徐浩联展 Lau Wai,Xu Hao Joint exhibition

展期 Opening
April 7 - May 19 2018 April 7 - May 19 2018
BLANKgallery荣幸宣布,展览“弱假说”即将于2018年4月7日,本周六开幕,并持续至5月19日。本次展览即将呈现艺术家刘卫,徐浩近期的新作。 BLANKgallery has the honor to announce that the exhibition "Relativity Hypothesis" will be opened on April 7th 2018, this Saturday and continue until May 19th 2018. This exhibition will present the latest works of artists Lau Wai and Xu Hao.
The theory of linguistic relativity (Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis) puts forward the hypothesis of language and thinking, which holds that the cultural concepts and classifications contained in language will affect the cognition of languageus to the real world, that is, language differences will lead to distinct ways of thinking and behaving. This hypothesis involves a variety of fields and disciplines, and the fundamental question of whether language shapes the culture of thinking or thinking reinvents the language has long been in a circle of controversy. Although there is no clear result of relevant theories ,it does extend people's cognition of language and thinking during the debate. In terms of the practice of the artists in this exhibition, it constructs the narrative with cultural symbols and ideologies intertwined.
The works of the artists Lau Wai and Xu Hao are mainly based on moving images as the major media and the direction of research. Born in Hong Kong, Lau Wai grew up in the colonial culture and language, which made her found familiar yet alienated somehow. And Hong Kong as a mysterious city frequently featuring in Hollywood movies with Oriential exoticism and futurism was presented in absurdity between reality and fiction in Lau Wai's works. In the works of Xu Hao, the intention and objects are originated from different cultural backgrounds, and their image presentation is weakened, with objects and installations to reflect the thinking of the images; and the photographic techniques, as the necessary logic of the productionprocess, overlap in traces of the daily life, with a romantic "hypothesis"to explore the relationship between the carrier, rules and the content.