HumanScapes HumanScapes
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群展 Group Exhibition

展期 Opening
2024年7月20日 July 20, 2024
策展 Curator
赵蕴资 Zoey Zhao
刘婉婷 / 张海君 / 徐雅涵 / 李创李 / 林枞 / 吴凌昊 / 郑田明 / 颜达夫 / 夏瀚 / 田牧 / 陈孟涵 / 于航 Liu Wanting / Zhang Haijun / Xu Yahan / Li Chuangli / Lin Cong / Wu Linghao / Zheng Tianming / Yan Dafu / Xia Han / Tian Mu / Chen Menghan / Yu Hang
赛博格和反乌托邦这些作为讨论科技阴暗面的衍生话题在当下已经不再是全新的,也不再是以单一的话题出现,而是逐渐演变为在这个独立概念上更加回归人类本身的和内在的。当下对于创作限制和对内容的包容,通过高速的信息流,这些话题已经充分和生活融合变成其中的一部分,成为了附着在生活的符号,或者是改变生活生成全新场景的异体。伴随着虚拟不断延伸生长成不同形态的空间、景观,真实生活有时与虚拟现实重合,有时又是虚拟现实的对立面,更重要的是,这其中人类作为深度参与者有着非常自由的把握空间和主导空间。 Themes such as cyborgs and dystopia, once associated with the darker aspects of technology, have now become integral, nuanced concepts that reflect the intrinsic nature of human beings. Amidst current creative constraints and evolving content tolerance, these themes seamlessly integrate into everyday life, symbolizing and reshaping human experiences. As virtual reality expands into diverse spatial and environmental forms, it intersects and sometimes diverges from actual reality, with human agency playing a pivotal role.
群展将覆盖这个话题的新锐艺术家汇聚在同一空间内,借绘画或装置,艺术家自我与人类状态之间的互动了然呈现,虚实之间自我意识在视觉作品中被建造,为了抒发或反思或者试图从中逃避,反射出人类共同经历的当下。 The group exhibition unites these emerging artists under one roof, each presenting their interpretations through paintings or installations. These works vividly depict the interaction between the artist's identity and the human condition. They explore themes of self-awareness within and beyond reality, offering expressions of introspection or attempts to transcend it, ultimately reflecting the shared human experience of our times.