身无长物 Bare Necessties
展览照片 Exhibition view
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个展 Solo Exhibition

展期 Opening
2024/06/29 18:00-20:00 2024/06/29 18:00-20:00
策展 Curator
赵蕴资 Zoey Zhao
田建新通过收集具有文化底色的家用器皿,根据物品的自身属性与功能、物与人之间关系等多维度研究,将物品重新塑形成为全新的感观形态。易形极具年代性和工业性的现成品,赋予毫无差异的工具独特性,最普通的物品因为融入主观生活的感受和信息成为了颇有意趣的灵魂之器。 Tian Jianxin collects culturally enriched household utensils, through studies of the objects' inherent properties and functions, as well as the relationship between objects and people, reshapes them into entirely new sensory forms. By transforming ready-made objects that are historical and industrial, he imbues ordinary tools with uniqueness. The most commonplace items, infused with subjective life experiences and information, become intriguing vessels of the soul.
重新赋予的内容是物料给予艺术家当下偶发的反馈,根植记忆的感受通过敲打的痕迹和力度,以及制作中量和时间的沉积,融入体力和意志,让物品被珍重对待。搜集的物品有时从家中就地取材,有时通过网络或其他途径,从“别人的”生活中而来,其中多方与生活的关系,时间空间变化组成的过程,让作品并非停留在表面内容,而是成为具有更为复杂的内部的记忆体。 The content enpowered on the object is the artist's immediate feedback reflected by the materials, the rooted memories made through the traces and intensity of hammering, and the accumulation of quantity and time in the making process. Physical strength and will are integrated, treating the objects with the intention of respect. The collected items are sometimes sourced from home, sometimes from online or other channels, some are coming from "other people’s" lives. This process, composed of the relationships with life and changes in time and space, makes the works not just stopped at surface content but become complex internal memory bodies.

田建新 Tian Jianxin